Samuel's GitHub Portfolio

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Samuel’s GitHub Portofolio

Greetings! You are currently reading a GitHub portfolio website. Organisations, recruiters, and users alike are free to look around and explore the projects displayed here. If there is something of interest you find, then do not hesitate to contact me to resolve any uncertainties, or to get the information you need. I may not be able to answer all of your inquiries, but I will attempt to do my best at doing so. Furthermore, if you cannot get a response from me promptly, that either means I am away, or am extremely busy completing other tasks.

Arduino/Electronics Projects

Project Name Status
Greenhouse Unfinished*
Wheelchair Assistant Completed
Danger detector and escape aid Completed

*Need to buy the necessary equipment.

Unity/C# Projects

Project Name Status
Rise (Jōshō*) Stagnated
SmallBiz WIP


Java Projects

Project Name Status
Acadio WIP
SmallBiz Migration